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Capital in Action

Capital in Action

The World is rapidly changing and new Challenges 

are continuously impacting the Quality of Life across the Globe

Addressing challenges like urban development, increasing regulatory requirements, environmental degradation, poverty and shortages of natural resources are becoming a high priority for a majority of the world’s population and therefore an area of focus for business, industry and governments. The incumbent infrastructures supporting today’s commercial markets, industry, government and general social well-being must be significantly improved and even disruptively transformed to effectively handle these new challenges.

Our Vision is to Lead this Transformation


Urgent action is needed to mobilise, redirect and unlock the transformative power of trillions of dollars of private resources to deliver on global sustainability objectives.  The transformation will require the investment of financial, technical and human resources. And while many of the technological, innovative and intellectual components required to deliver solutions may exist today, they tend to be scattered across disparate and generally diverse commercial disciplines, industries and geographical regions. 


Fireseed Capital brings together disparate components and accelerates the 

adoption of innovation and transformation, while delivering

well-above-average risk-adjusted returns for our investors,

creating a vehicle for active participation in solving the

problems of our world.

Our Approach

Every Problem on the Planet has an ‘Ideas-Person’ with a Solution

But, innovation by itself is not enough to solve global problems. To create meaningful change, innovation must be harnessed into commercial models that address the needs of disparate market participants that include society, industry and regulators. 


By taking a global viewpoint and social-ecosystem approach, we design enterprises that leverage innovation and serve humanity. We partner with innovators, building their products and solutions into commercial strategies that address global issues and we create new value by finding synergy between disparate components located in localised markets and inside industry boundaries that can collectively deliver greater impact to the markets they serve. We then invest a wide range of resources - both human and capital - to increase the capabilities of the individual companies and create synergistic, functional and commercial links between the components. 

We make the whole bigger than the sum of its parts, creating value for all stakeholders.

Market Capture, Revenue and Profitable Business Models are our Focus

By developing market capture strategy and focusing on revenue growth of proven technologies, business models and teams, we deliver measurable Impact Results while generating outstanding risk-adjusted returns for our investors. Our selection criteria are focused on markets where our core team have domain knowledge, market access, and where we can increase enterprise profitability and therefore valuations. If we can’t have an impact on our impact investments, we won’t get involved. 

Fireseed Capital offers Impact Investors access to a globally sourced and curated

pipeline of high growth, in revenue, globally scalable projects that deliver measurable impact.

Selection Criteria

Amplify your 

Investment Intelligence

Harness hidden insight and identify global market trends through a better understanding of the future.

  • We actively identify Over-The-Horizon opportunities in emerging marketplaces

  • We identify companies and teams capable of delivering solutions while we look for industries ripe for change and disruption from emerging technology

  • We have access to a global pool of emerging innovation before it reaches the market which provides insights, competitive advantage and strategic opportunities that leverage our portfolio

  • Our Accelerator has at all times a number of exciting future investment vehicles in development 


Shape a Better World

Benefit from global economic and environmental trends that will shape asset management.

Fireseed Capital sits at the intersection of three major global trends shaping the investment industry and which will impact on every industry sector, community and regulatory environment.

  • The rise of Big-Data, data analytics and data augmentation

  • Environmental Social Governance (ESG)​

  • The critical balance between Data Use, Human Rights and the broader needs of societies


Be the Change and achieve 

Above Average Risk-Adjusted Returns

Urgent action is needed to mobilise, redirect and unlock the transformative power of trillions of dollars of private resources to deliver on global sustainability objectives. 

  • With careful project selection and by actively developing the growth and market capture strategies we provide Impact Investment Opportunities that can deliver sustained returns for our investors

  • We invest in globally scalable platforms and therefore highly profitable business models that can produce extraordinary investor returns​​​​

  • We focus on businesses that contribute measurable progress toward the United  Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

  • Our objective is to create viable models of long-term growth achieved without compromising the environment or placing an unfair burden on societies. 

Our Investors gain Access to the following Benefits
  • Access to Investment in Cutting Edge Technology and Disruptive Innovation

  • Investments that Leverages Intra-Portfolio Synergies

  • Value Creation that Exceeds the Portfolio Risk Profile

  • Direct, Tangible Impact on Global Issues

  • Exceptional Returns with Minimised Risk

  • Access to Global High-Growth Markets

  • Portfolio Diversification across Industry, Technology and Markets

  • High-Quality Governance and Regulatory Compliance​​

  • High-Quality Management

Fireseed Capital

© 2019 by Fireseed Capital

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